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Piedmont Home Care News

The Health Benefits of Keeping Your Brain Active

brain power

Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. It turns out, there’s actual science that helps prove Henry Ford right. In this as in other ways, he was a man ahead of his time.

Research has shown that people who continue to learn new things find health benefits from keeping their brain active. Every time you learn something new, the neurons involved in that process grow and form new connections, keeping your brain agile. The overall health affects are similar to the benefits you get from regular exercise. Studies show that people who report being bored, whose brains weren’t active for long periods of time, have heart disease rates more than twice as high as people who didn’t report boredom.

The good news is anyone can continue learning, no matter what your age or physical limitations. Where some people might be hampered in physical activity due to joint pain or other health-related issues, there’s nothing keeping you from doing that daily crossword or playing along with Jeopardy!

Taking Initiative to Learn New Things

At Piedmont Home Care, we’ve found that taking classes can be a great way to keep your brain active. Signing up to be part of a group helps provide some accountability, making it harder to say no or to turn the TV on instead of pushing yourself to try something new.

There are plenty of great resources in an around Winston-Salem that offer classes or gatherings to try new things, or maybe continue in an old hobby.

Gardening: The Forsyth County Extension Service is offering gardening classes this spring. Learn how to grow a few of your own vegetables and herbs, a hobby that not only helps you stay active outdoors, but also encourages healthy eating habits!

Computer Skills. For some people, learning how to navigate the internet and write or keep up with bank accounts on the computer can be challenging. You can learn the basics of getting on and feel more comfortable on your laptop with computer classes at the Forsyth County Library.

Tai Chi and Line Dancing. It might seem like physical exercise, but remembering the choreography to a line dance or the pattern of movements in tai chi make your brain stay active as well. 690 Women’s Fitness offers classes for people of all ages.

Whatever your interests are, it’s easy to find tutorials on YouTube or online webinars. It just takes a little persistence and creativity. Our team of caregivers can be a big help in making sure your loved one stays mentally active. Whether we assist in driving to one of the classes mentioned above, or serve as a companion for an online class at home, we’re there to help in any way we can. Caring for the whole person is our focus, for each of our clients.