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Piedmont Home Care News

Rehab at Home with Piedmont Home Care

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people go through joint replacement surgery. According to the American College of Rheumatology, surgeons perform 790,000 total knee surgeries and 450,000 hip replacements annually. For people suffering from arthritis pain, or in need of help after a fall, these surgeries make a big impact, reducing pain and improving quality of life. But we all know that for a few weeks after the surgery life can be hard. Managing pain, working through physical therapy sessions and even performing daily life activities can be a challenge.

If you or a loved one is looking to schedule knee or hip surgery, you might be wondering whether to go home right after the surgery or go to a rehab center for the initial therapy. We all know that recovering at home is much more comfortable, and with the help of talented staff of Piedmont Home Care, we can help make your first few weeks after surgery an easy transition.

Benefits of Home Care for Rehab

More and more, surgeries are done on an outpatient basis. You could have your knee replaced in the morning and be sent home in the afternoon. However, you are far from able to do all the things you normally would do during the day, from making meals to walking to the bathroom. Here’s how a home care provider can help during rehab:

· Assist with daily activities. From helping you get to the shower and bathroom to making meals, our care providers are there to make your life easier.

· Manage pain. It is important to take the medications prescribed by your doctor according to the discharge instructions, but it can be hard to remember exactly what you took and when. Our caregivers will help maintain the proper medication schedule and ensure your pain is managed well.

· Look for signs of concern. Complications are rare, but they do happen. Having a trained professional is helpful to address any issues before they become serious. For example, fever, chills or discharge from the incision could be a sign of infection. Piedmont Home Care staff are adept in caring for these issues and know when to call in the doctor.

· Keep you moving. Physical therapy is an important part of rehab after a joint replacement surgery. Professional physical therapists will usually make home visits three times a week for four to six weeks. But the best recovery happens when you practice those exercises often. Our caregivers can help you keep moving and work with you on the exercises.

Making the Most of Temporary Care

Many people don’t think about calling a home care provider for help after a surgery. After all, the recovery period when you need assistance is only four to six weeks, and people tend to associate home care with long term care. However, Piedmont Home Care is available to help you with whatever home care needs you might have. It might be long-term full-time care, respite care for caregivers taking care of loved ones, or temporary care for rehab situations after a surgery.

As you can see from the benefits above, having a trained professional with you at home after surgery can be helpful. But the benefits are even greater than the care provided in those few short weeks. When you work with Piedmont Home Care for rehab after a surgery, we build a relationship of care with you that lasts much longer. Then the next time you need to call on someone for care, for whatever reason, it is much easier with a caregiver who knows you.